



通讯地址:北京市朝阳区平乐园100号 北京工业大学 科学楼






1. Wenmeng Xiong, Changchun Bao, Jing Zhou, Maoshen Jia, José Picheral: Joint DOA Estimation and Dereverberation Based on Multi-Channel Linear Prediction Filtering and Azimuth Sparsity. IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process. 32: 1481-1493 (2024).

2. Chengyuan Qin, Wenmeng Xiong* et al. Robust Coherent sources Localization Based on Hankel Matrix Reconstruction. ISCSLP 2024.

3. Jing Zhou, Changchun Bao, Maoshen Jia, Wenmeng Xiong: A distortionless convolution beamformer design method based on the weighted minimum mean square error for joint dereverberation and denoising. Speech Commun. 158: 103054 (2024).

4. Liang Tao, Maoshen Jia, Changchun Bao, Wenmeng Xiong: First-Order Relative Harmonic Coefficient-Based Time-Frequency Points Selection for Multi-Source DOA Estimation. IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process. 32: 3200-3212 (2024).

5. Wenmeng Xiong, Changchun Bao, Maoshen Jia, José Picheral: Study of MVDR Beamforming with Spatially Distributed Source: Theoretical Analysis and Efficient Microphone Array Geometry Optimization Method. Circuits Syst. Signal Process. 42(8): 4897-4915 (2023).

6. Jing Zhou, Changchun Bao, Xu Zhang, Wenmeng Xiong et al. Design of a robust MVDR beamforming method with Low-Latency by reconstructing covariance matrix for speech enhancement. Applied acoustics 211: 109464 (2023).

7. Wenmeng Xiong, Changchun Bao, Mao-shen Jia, José Picheral: Speech Enhancement With Robust Beamforming for Spatially Overlapped and Distributed Sources. IEEE ACM Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process. 30: 2778-2790 (2022).